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Solihull Borough of Sanctuary is part of the National City of Sanctuary network, which city by city, community by community, is building a more welcoming UK for people forced to flee their homes.

City of Sanctuary UK coordinates, supports and grows these networks of welcome. From community groups to schools and universities, local councils to libraries and theatres, it works with individuals, groups and organisations in every area and in every sector to encourage inclusivity, solidarity and compassion for people from a forced displacement background. In Solihull our aims are the same.

On 8th March 2023 we held our first Partnership Forum attended by people from Solihull Council, West Midlands Police, Solihull Library, The Department of Work and Pensions, and representatives of 13 charities and/or community organisations.

Since then we have been setting up specific sub groups including faith groups, schools outreach, arts and culture.

If you would like to be involved in any of these groups, please let us know at our email address